BANDA ACEH - The number of HIV/AIDS sufferers in Banda Aceh, Aceh’s propvincial capital, inceased
from four to five this year.

"Only four sufferes were found in the first quarter but another sufferer was discovered recently in Peunayong," Banda Aceh deputy mayor Illiza Sa’aduddin Djamal said here on Thursday.
After opening a seminar and advocacy management training and capacity building for HIV/AIDS concerned civilian elements organized by the Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic organization’s health institute at Kuala Radja Hotel Illiza said the new sufferer was discovered during a test at a health service.
"It is possible the number of HIV/AIDS cases in Aceh will continue to rise as Aceh people are very open to outsiders while public awareness to medical checks is still low," she said.
She said the virus did not only spread through a sexual intercourse but also through a syringe or drug use. To maximize public campaign on the danger of HIV/AIDs the city administration plans to hold a contest to select HIV/AIDS ambassadors in July.
She said the ambassadors would be assigned to inform the public about the danger of the disease. According to the city’s head of the HIV/AIDS Control Team the number
of HIV/AIDS cases in 2010 across the province was recorded at 79 and in the first quarter of this year the number rose by five more cases.
of HIV/AIDS cases in 2010 across the province was recorded at 79 and in the first quarter of this year the number rose by five more cases.
"Some of the sufferers have already died while some others are now still under treatment," she said.
Arjawa Post ___________
source : Kompas
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