Jakarta - The terrorist group arrested in Sukoharjo and Klaten in Central Java appears to have links with one of the terrorist suspects who were killed in Medan in CIMB Bank robbery. But this group is not
associated with terrorist military training in Aceh.

"So one of the existing relationship with this group, one of them has ever been involved with CIMB (Medan), but that's dead," said Deputy Police Repression BNPT Gen. Peter R Golose, at Police Headquarters, Jl Trunojoyo, Jakarta, Thursday (27 / 1 / 2011).
Petrus said the group is a local group that only acts in the territory of Yogyakarta and Central Java. "No (involved in military training in Aceh), which clearly they are a local group of Solo. Trying to exist to make this so well known people," he explained.
This group, continued Petrus, before it was to get education and training about acts of terrorism. Although it was only localized but their activity can be considered quite dangerous for the security in the region.
"Before that, it already exists trainings were monitored, but before I know because that action at the mosque, the police, although its capacity is not great but dangerous enough quantity," he said.
Petrus also said the expertise to assemble bombs or explosives owned by these people is the result of creativity itself and not derived from special training to assemble explosives. Leader or the brain of this group is also known Atok been secured along with six other members in the arrest in Klaten and Sukoharjo on Tuesday (25 / 1).
"More developed, this Atok network, yes he is his leader," he explained.
source : detikcom
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